






關鍵字:Catholic Church, Taiwan, Sinicization


The proposed project is a multi-disciplinary study on the Catholic Church in Taiwan in the context of social science and humanities. We will employ qualitative research on archives, library material, websites, together with in-depth interviews. Where relevant and available, statistical information will be employed to assess the significance of some issues.

This research project aims at providing a brief introductory history of the Taiwan Catholic Church to discover its roots and to evaluate the role played by the Catholic Church in contemporary Taiwanese society.

The project will result two volumes of books titled A. The Catholic Church in Taiwan: Its External Relations, and B.The Sinicization of the Roman Catholic Church in Taiwan. This will be a path-breaking, non-theological study on a local Catholic Church. It will present a new understanding of church-state relations and their interactions with the Taiwan society. It will also be the first comprehensive study of the Catholic Church in Taiwan from a social sciences perspective.

        It is also a ground breaking work on Taiwanese religious studies, and will offer a model for related studies of the Protestant church and in particular of the Presbyterian Church and its traditional advocacy of indigenous theology and an independent Taiwan.


Francis K. H. So. Perceiving Power in Early Modern Europe, Introduction. Perceiving Power in Early Modern Europe. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. (forthcoming in June, 2016).

蘇其康。〈通識教育之外語教育涵養〉. 《高教發展與評估》30(2014.2):79-86.

蘇其康. “A Pioneering Comparatist and the Architectonics of Zong Baihua's Aesthetics.” 《東西方研究》 [Dong Xi Fang Yanjiu] (East-West Cultural Studies). 上海: 上海古籍出版社[Shanghai guji chubanshe]. 2011: 628-42.

Francis K. H. So.〈吳經熊譯經中頌歌之特色〉[“Hymnic Characteristics in the New Testament: Wu Ching-hsiung’s Translation and Appropriation.”].《天主教研究學報》Hong Kong Journal of Catholic Studies 2 (2011): 434-50.

Francis K. H. So . “Righteous Anger in Kyng Alisaunder.” Emotions in Literature (ISBN: 9788952110985). Seoul: Seoul National University Press. Sep, 2010: 53-76. 

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